Latest Episodes

MENTAL HEALTH: Therapy should be mandated by the government
How do you feel therapy is treated in the US? Do you feel like it’s easy to access and socially accepted? Compare that to...

GLOBAL: Cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin
In the British Museum, visitors marvel at the Rosetta Stone, a priceless artifact that unlocked the secrets of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Yet, its journey...

PHILOSOPHY: Humans have a soul
Do you ever catch yourself staring into the mirror, pondering life’s big questions? Like, why do I sometimes feel an existential void after binge-watching...

SCIENCE: There is no other intelligent life in the universe
For decades, Hollywood has been obsessed with the idea of intelligent life beyond Earth. Think of the drama of Independence Day, the wonder of...

ECONOMICS: We should institute a mandatory retirement age
At what age do you picture yourself sitting on a beach, sipping something refreshing, and finally enjoying retirement? Or maybe you’re one of those...

US LAW: Limits to free speech are justified
Do you remember the last time someone said something so outrageous it left you questioning the boundaries of free speech? Maybe it was a...